Thursday 5 January 2012

Looking for RPG(s) to join.

Honestly, I like everything (aside from fanfics, since I don't have too many of those...). I think I've mostly been attracted to fantasy-type roleplays lately, although I'm down for an ol' fashioned school RPG as well. And while that ranges from everything in between, I decided to make a list anyway --
    ? School/Academy
    ? Modern (you know, every-day situations)
    ? Steampunk
    ? Warfare
    ? Zombies
    ? Pirates
    ? Dragons
    ? Magic (wizards, mages, that sort of thing)
    ? Survivors (on an island or maybe post-apocalypse... any context, really)
    ? Romance (Don't be so frantic, I'm just a hopeless romantic ...)
    ? Deep (or recent) past or far (or close) future
(Or any mix of those.)
If you don't see something here that involves your roleplay, just ask me.
+ I'll be adding to the list over time.

Regardless of what/who my avatar is of, my real life gender and biological sex should not matter. As you are reading these words, you can insinuate that I'm literate. If you plan to discriminate against males playing as females or females playing as males (or any other gender variation) have a nice roleplaying life in solitude. (And unfortunately this isn't Skyrim, so that's not a good thing.) I can and will play any and every gender that a story calls for. I'm incredibly comfortable playing male, as it flows the easiest for me, so that's what I usually go with when it's my choice. I see you all as writers and roleplayers, not male or female.

I'm looking for one-on-ones (you and I over PM) and/or RPGs (groups, of course!).

Also, I'm in class right now (online school, FTW!) so replies will be slow. And I'm about to fall asleep on my keyboard. But the turkey was worth it. *fist bumps everybody in the entire world*
(EDIT: Class is over. I'm not as tired as I was when it started, so I'll stay on.)


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