Thursday 29 September 2011

Joan E. Dowlin: September 22nd GOP Debate: Boooooor-ing!

Fox News sponsored another GOP Presidential candidate debate Thursday night, September 22nd. If I hear these phrases one more time, I think I will scream: Ponzi scheme, Obamacare, Romneycare, Dream Act, border fence, HPV virus, 9-9-9, lower taxes, debt, mandates, state rights, and big government.

How many times are they going to rehash these issues? We all know that the candidates on the stage believe in small government, lower taxes, less regulation, the Constitution, freedom, patriotism, and God. Let's move on. Boooring.

Maybe I missed it but I hardly heard the word "jobs" uttered. Just once it came up: the panel asked Newt Gingrich about extending unemployment benefits, to which he replied he supported it if there was job training involved and that he didn't believe in giving it to those who were doing nothing. Nothing? How about searching for work? Job training? For what jobs? The problem is there are no jobs out there which is why so many are unemployed. Duh.

Why were there no questions about manufacturers sending American jobs overseas? That is what has been decimating the middle class for the last 30 years. It seems businesses, big or small, can do no wrong according to the GOP.

Texas Governor Rick Perry took a lot of heat for supporting children of illegal immigrants to go to Texas state colleges. He got booed when he said it was about having a heart. Wrong answer to a political base that cheered executions and shouted yes to allowing a young man in a coma to die because he didn't have health insurance.

The party of "compassionate conservatism" has a harder time finding its heart than the tin man did before he met the Wizard.

I did get to know Herman Cain a little better and I do personally like the man. I never knew he beat liver cancer in 2006. But I have to disagree with his assessment about how if he had "Obamacare" then he would not be alive today because a bureaucrat would have gotten involved and slowed down his healing process. Firstly, it is fortunate for Mr. Cain that he is wealthy enough to afford good health insurance and get good testing and treatment. Not everyone is that lucky. Secondly, President Obama has said repeatedly that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 would not change the coverage of those who are happy with the health insurance they presently have. It was passed as a way to make health insurance more affordable for all Americans.

The effects of this health care reform will not be known to the public until its main provisions takes full effect in 2012. It may actually be beneficial to most Americans. The supposed "winner" of the debate, former Governor Mitt Romney spent a lot of time running away from a good thing he did which was providing health care to most of his constituents in Massachusetts. Go figure.

Michele Bachmann has vowed to repeal all of Obamacare. This may take months or even years. Do we really need to be spending all of our time and energy undoing a potentially good thing when we should be focusing on the economy and jobs? Maybe it was bad timing of President Obama to tackle this issue when he did instead of concentrating on putting America back to work. But Bachmann and the others onstage will be making the same mistake by getting sidetracked from the number one issue facing American workers: jobs, jobs, and more jobs.

The only new interesting subject came as a YouTube video from a gay soldier who can now openly serve in the military. He asked how the candidates would handle the policy of the now defunct "don't ask, don't tell." Of course this question went to former Senator Rick Santorum (PA), the most anti-gay debater on stage (which is saying a lot.) Of course he said he would reinstate the policy of not allowing homosexuals to reveal their orientations and that the military should not be used as a "social experiment" (whatever that means) and that sex should be left out of the armed services.

Santorum's last statement is what gays and lesbians have been saying for years. A person's sexuality should not be an issue when it comes to serving your country.

So let's see. The candidates would repeal Obamacare, throw gays out of the military, spend billions to build a big border fence, support corporate welfare, end or privatize social security and medicare, give tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans, and send more troops to Iraq and Afghanistan. Now that's real progress in the opposite direction. Guess that's why they are called the opposition. Problem is it's not just boring but dangerous for the future of this country. But what do I know? I'm just a bleeding heart liberal.



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