Saturday 11 May 2013

Kerry vows ?no stone unturned? on Benghazi

John Kerry with Italian Foreign Minister Emma Bonino on May 9. (Mladen Antonov/AP, Pool)Secretary of State John Kerry promised Thursday to leave ?no stone unturned? in the investigation into the deadly terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, and vowed that anyone guilty of wrongdoing would be disciplined "appropriately."

Kerry did not directly comment on the contentious House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on the tragedy a day earlier, but vowed to consider "any recent evidence." And he pledged his full cooperation with a Republican-led investigation being conducted by five key House committees.

"I will tell you this: The State Department will leave no stone unturned," the top U.S. diplomat told reporters as he met with Italian Foreign Minister Emma Bonino. "I am absolutely determined that this issue will be answered, will be put to bed, and if there?s any culpability in any area that is appropriate to be handled in some way with some discipline, it will be appropriately handled."

Kerry said he had "made it crystal clear" to the Republican committee chairman that his chief of staff, David Wade, would work "to answer any questions that they have."

The attack, which took place on Sept. 11, 2012, when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, claimed the lives of four Americans including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens.



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